Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Only in Africa

Things are going well here in Africa. We took the twenty oldest orphans to the beach last weekend! It was awesome! Even though the whole thing was a disaster it was a blast. We got there fairly alright, but our driver was two hours late picking us up. When he finally got there his van broke down. So we took about 6 different taxi trips to get all the kids to the next station. Once we got there THE NICEST man paid for a van to get us all home safely. So everything all worked out in the end. I did get food poisoning out of the whole ordeal though. We bought all the kids dinner and sure enough, eight hours later, my insides were in the Africa jungle. Bleh....
I forgot to mention some other things that happend a few weeks ago. One of the best nights I've had here! One of the volunteers had The Lion King on her laptop so we projected it in the computer lab and showed it to all the kids. They LOVED it! They were clapping, cheering, and giggling through the whole thing. Especially at the end when Simba beats Scar. It was so cute.
Another really cool thing was we had "The Big Clean". All the volunteers pitched in some money to buy cleaning supplies and we had a massive cleaning day. We only cleaned the dinning hall and kitchen, but it took a good three or four hours. Probably the dirtiest thing I've ever seen in my life. We scrubbed until our arms were sore. We scrubbed down all the walls, mopped the very very dirty floor, got all the spiders out of there, and sanitized all the tables. You wouldn't believe the dirt and many many spiders we cleaned out of there. It was really good to help them all like that though. They kept thanking us for our hardwork. It was very rewarding.
Well, my time is short and I'm leaving here soon. This might be my last entry...Until then though, I'll see ya'll in about a week!


  1. You are so much stronger than I am, I would likely have food poisening everyday, Ugh! Be safe :)

  2. No don't leave! I mean, we love you and want you back but. I LOVE reading about your African adventures! I'm living vicariously through you!

  3. I can't believe it's almost over! You are so cool, Allison. You better have a welcome home celebration so we can hear all your other stories, too.
